Structural Mechanics

Code: -
Introduction to the foundations of continuum mechanics. Kinematics of deformation. Linearization. The concept of stress. Constitutive equations. Elastic response. Work and energy. Theorem of virtual work. Simple problems in linear elasticity. Restraints and reactions. Statically determinate structures. Evaluation of internal forces (axial force and bending moment) under a variety of applied loads. The Euler-Bernoulli model of beam. Analysis of small deflections of beams. Statically redundand structures. Methods of solution. The stress status in a 3D beam subject to axial force, bending moment, shear and torque.

Lesson hours:


Practice hours:



General physics, Mathematical analysis II, Mathematical Physics



Types of examinations:

The final exam will be both written and oral




Understanding of the principles and methods for the analysis of strength and behaviour of solids and structures. Awareness of the foundations and critical usage of the main models in the analysis of solids and structures.


To be completed.

Teaching materials:

To be completed.