Geotechnical engineering

Code: -
The course content encompasses the theoretical principles, as well as the experimental and computational methodologies for characterizing and modelling the hydro-mechanical behaviour of natural or artificial soils, and for analysing the behaviour of manufacts made of or interacting with them.

Lesson hours:


Practice hours:



Mathematical analysis II, General physics



Types of examinations:

The final assessment test will be oral




The course aims to provide the basic principles of geotechnical engineering. The lectures will introduce the student to the fundamentals of soil mechanics, i.e. the theoretical concepts necessary for understanding and describing soil behaviour as a multi-phase medium, the essential experimental procedures and their interpretative methods, the approaches necessary for the analysis of the most common geotechnical applications, also in connection with extreme events. Classwork addresses the main laboratory and field tests for mechanical characterization and some simple calculations of practical problems. As outcomes of the course, the student will manage to use the basic methodological tools needed to characterize the mechanical behaviour of soil, both as a natural and as a construction material, and will be able to apply them to analyse the fundamental geotechnical design problems in civil and environmental engineering.


To be completed.

Teaching materials:

To be completed.