Building Engineering

Code: -
Analysis and classification of civil constructions based on functional and performance requirements. The Technological System and the Environmental/functional System. Decomposition of the Technological System into technological unit classes, technological units, technical element classes, and technical elements. The building process and the figures involved during design phase stages. Construction materials (masonry, timber, steel, reinforced concrete): main properties, performances, regulatory framework and durability, and main related structural types. Civil construction as a complex system of technological unit classes. Requirements and performances of technological unit classes: the load-bearing structure in elevation and foundation; the envelope (with some focuses on energetic performances of the envelope); the partitions and connections. Frontal lessons will be integrated by design exercises, guided technical visits, and seminars.

Lesson hours:


Practice hours:






Types of examinations:





The aim of the course is to provide students with both theoretical and practical knowledge needed to conceive the design and construction of a civil structure or a building organism as a complex technological system. Various implementation solutions will be examined for each technological unit in relation to specific technical elements and the fulfillment of requirements included those of sustainable building engineering inspirited by environmental and typological design principles, also in connection with ageing and degradation of materials and components.


To be completed.

Teaching materials:

To be completed.