Introduction to the Admission Process
Admission to the bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering is made according to Italian universities’ regulations. Admission is a procedure with a precise roadmap. The BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering is one of the bachelor Courses of the International Catalogue at Federico II. The Course is taught in English and allows Italian, EU, and non-EU students to grow in a stimulating international context. Here, you will find all the information, the lists of required documents, the links to external resources, and the link to the intake webpage for non-EU candidate students who need a visa to study in Italy.
Non-EU students who require a visa must follow a pre-admission phase, culminating in receiving a pre-admission letter (or offer letter). The letter allows for applying for the issue of an entry visa for studying in Italy, which in turn is necessary for admission. The pre-admission phase takes place online, and the visa application phase is partly online and for another part in the student’s country (at the Italian embassy). The admission phase, on the other hand, takes place in person in Naples.
EU students go directly to the admission phase. Non-EU students who already own a visa for studying in Italy have direct access to in-person enrolment in Italy.
Admission Schedule
Non-EU students who need a visa to study in Italy | EU students (or non-EU students already owning the visa) | |
Selection for pre-admission | from mid-February to mid-June | not required / not applicable |
Application for visa | from mid-March to mid-July | not required / not applicable |
Final Enrolment (in-person at the Students’ office in Naples) | from early September to the end of November (deferring to March is likely but not ensured) | from early September to the end of November (deferring to March is likely but not ensured) |
Start of classes | first term = from mid-September second term = from mid-March | first term = from mid-September second term = from mid-March |
The main phases of the enrollment process are summarised below. Non-EU candidate students and EU (including Italian) candidate students follow different rules. Note that nonEU
students who already have a visa to study in Italy can directly access the in-person admission/enrollment phase at the University’s student office in Fuorigrotta (Naples).
The steps are listed below.
- Checking of background requisites (basically, the high school diploma must have required at least 12 years of pre-university education + certified English level B2 )
- Pre-admission application (for non-EU students), open from mid-February to mid-June, articulated in selection groups and managed at the intake webpage
- Visa application (for non-EU students), open from mid-March to mid-July
- Admission/Enrollment phase, open from early September to late November (often deferred to March or May), in-person at the University’s Student Office in Fuorigrotta, Naples
- (Italian students can enroll online)
- Start of classes: mid-September for the first semester; the beginning of March for the second semester
Please note that in case of delayed visa issuing and consequent enrollment delay, the first semester of the first year can be attained online. However, the examinations can only be taken
in person at the end of the classes and after final enrollment. Indeed, the student status at the University of Naples Federico II is attained only after the final enrolment (in person) in Naples.
The selection for pre-admission only activates the candidate-student status. Attending online classes before final enrollment does not accrue any right to take the examination in the event of failed final enrollment, nor does it accrue any other right.
Candidate students are strongly encouraged to read the admission regulations by the
University of Naples.
Educational requisite
When the high school diploma has been issued by a non-Italian school, students must apply to embassies or consulates for a document called “Dichiarazione di Valore” or in English “Declaration of Value” where it is stated that the diploma has been obtained after at least 12 years of pre-university education.
Both non-EU and EU candidate students need educational requisites. The following are required as student’s personal preparation: a) logical ability and b) basic scientific knowledge.
a) Ability to correctly interpret the meaning of a text. Ability to identify the input data of a problem and to use them to arrive at a solution; ability to deduce the behaviour of a simple system; ability to link results to the hypotheses that determine them.
b) Properties and operations on numbers; absolute value; powers and roots; logarithms and exponentials; literal calculus; polynomials; first and second degree algebraic equations and inequalities; systems of first degree equations; measure and properties of segments and angles; lines and planes; properties of the main plane and solid geometric figures; Cartesian coordinates; concept of function; equations of lines and simple geometric loci; graphs and properties of elementary functions and trigonometric functions. Elementary physics and basic knowledge of the structure of matter.
Personal preparation is ascertained by means of a compulsory selective test.
The compulsory selective test, required for admission to the Degree Program, is entrusted to the CISIA Consortium (English TOLC-I). Given the possible participation of non-EU students living abroad (visa applicants), the test is conducted remotely after registering on the CISIA website. The compulsory selective test is repeatable to allow students to measure their skills and abilities against the requirements of the degree course and improve them through individual study.
For the purposes of enrolment, the candidate must reach the minimum threshold of 20% of the maximum score for the test.
Admitted candidates who did not score more than 50% of the marks available for the Mathematics section of the test will be assigned an Additional Formative Obligation (OFA) that requires them to acquire at least 9 University Credits (CFU) in the MAT/05 subject area before being able to sit any other examinations. In any case, the educational debt must be cleared within the first year of the course.
Language requisites
Both non-EU and EU candidate students need language requisites. Candidate students should provide evidence of English language proficiency at B2 or higher (CEFR level). We accept the certificates issued by specific bodies recognized by the University of Naples Federico II, such as:
- Cambridge
- Trinity
Note that MOI (Medium of Instruction) certificates are no longer accepted.
The attainment of this level will be ascertained prior to enrolment by the University Language Centre (
It is worth noting that if individual English proficiency testing is carried out after enrolment, the procedures at Embassies/Consulates for non-EU visas could fail.
Non-EU candidate students who do not already have a visa for studying in Italy must apply to be selected for pre-admission. The Head of Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, or a delegate, assesses the pre-admission applications on the basis of the documents uploaded by the students. Candidate students must apply for the selection using the form at the end of this page from mid-February to mid-June.
Documents needed for applying to the selection for pre-admission are:
- Passport;
- High School degree Certificate (prospective students should have obtained the High School Diploma after at least 12 years of pre-university education);
- DOV (Declaration of Value) by embassies or consulates or through CIMEA – Academic Equivalence Mobility Information Center
- Language certificate (proficiency in the English Language – at least level B2);
- Curriculum Vitae
- Motivation letter (Statement of Purpose);
- Letter/s of recommendation (optional, but useful for a positive assessment);
- Statement by a third party of sponsorship or private accommodation availability
- Financial guarantee statement(s), for 6.080,00 euro/year for three years
The candidate students who have applied will be notified of the selection results by e-mail.
Asking for the pre-admission letter
Non-EU candidate students who receive the communication of successful selection can ask for a pre-admission letter (offer letter). The link for asking for the pre-admission letter is communicated to the candidate students together with the successful selection e-mail.
To obtain the pre-admission letter, the successful candidate students must declare they will apply for a visa to study in Italy at the University of Naples Federico II, disregarding any other offer letter.
By obtaining the pre-admission letter, the candidate students do not assume the status of actual students at the University of Naples Federico II. The student status will be attained only at the time of final enrolment in person at the students’ office in Naples.
Apply for a visa to study in Italy
After the pre-admission letter is possibly issued and received by the non-EU candidate student, he/she must register on the UniversItaly Portal and upload there all the documents and the pre-admission letter. The portal is the only gateway for applying for a visa to study in Italy. In general, it opens in mid-March and closes in mid-July. Applicants must indicate the University of Naples Federico II and choose the Bachelor’s Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Class L7). They must also specify the Embassy/Consulate where they will apply for the visa for Italy.
The candidate students must apply at the UniversItaly Portal with the same e-mail they adopted to apply to the successful selection process they have participated in. In such a way, the University of Naples Federico II will be able to recognize and validate the visa application of the candidate student. The validation is automatically forwarded to the Embassy/Consulate to start the visa-issuing process. The student applicant must take care of the visa issuing. The University of Naples Federico II is not responsible for managing the visa appointments. The University cannot interact with the Embassy/Consulate.
Admission and final enrolment
Both the EU candidate students and the selected non-EU students who have obtained the visa to study in Italy must register in presence at the University of Naples. Registration must occur in Piazzale Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy, on weekdays from 09:00 to 12:00 a.m. Online enrolment is not allowed (except for Italian candidate students).
Final enrollment starts on September 1st and ends on November 30th; however, it is likely (but not guaranteed) that the deadline for registration will be postponed to March.
For final enrollment, be sure to contact the specific Secretariat Office for Engineering study programs:
- Segreteria Studenti Area didattica Ingegneria, Piazzale Tecchio, 80 – 80125 – Napoli (
- Ms. Antonietta Telese,
- Ms. Francesca candida,
Documents for in-person enrolment are:
- identity document/passport (to be shown) + one copy to be left at the student office
- proof of payment of tuition fees (e.g., deposit at the bank counter); actually, tuition fees coincide with the regional tax and the legal stamp
- passport size photograph in .jpeg format
- visa permit (to be shown) + one copy to be left at the student office
- permit of stay
- copy of the pre-admission letter (to be shown) + one copy to be left at the student office
- declaration of value (DOV) or, as an alternative, CIMEA certificate of comparability
- copy of the high school diploma (to be shown) + one copy to be left at the student office
- copy of the English language proficiency certificate
- application form (download here)
Classes for the first term start in mid-September.
Tuition fees
The University of Naples Federico II encourages and supports international non-EU students with very affordable (almost null) tuition fees: €140/year regional tax (compulsory) + €16,00 legal stamp (compulsory).
For EU non-Italian students, the tuition fees are €200/year (university fees) + €140/year regional tax (compulsory) + €16,00 legal stamp (compulsory).
Tuition fees have to be checked by contacting the specific Secretariat Office for Engineering study program: segreteria studenti Area didattica Ingegneria, Piazzale Tecchio, 80 – 80125 – Napoli (, Ms. Antonietta Telese,, or Ms. Francesca Candida,
Accommodation, tax code, and other service
The University of Naples Federico II does not offer direct accommodation to students or candidate students. We strongly suggest contacting the International Welcome Desk before you arrive in Naples; it offers free “Codice Fiscale” (Tax Code) and limited accommodation support through the International Students’ Union (ISU) – International Welcome Desk – Largo Santa Maria La Nova, 12 – 1st floor on the left- 80138 Napoli. ISU is open Mon/Fri: 9.00/19.00 (phone: +39 324 5947719, WhatsApp: +39 327 6778291,, Early contact is crucial for maximizing the chance to access accommodation services.
Another support for accommodation is the Regional Office for the Support to Studies (ADISURC). It is a regional public body offering accommodation support to students. Students must be enrolled and are supported according to the ADISURC ranking list.
Every year, the ADISURC (Azienda per il Diritto allo Studio della Regione Campania) launches a call for applications for scholarships (services and money) for students attending university courses. Access to scholarships requires having fully attained student status (final inpresence enrollment has to be carried out).
Moreover, the University of Naples generally (not all years) offers scholarships to international students. Future calls be published in this website as soon as they are made available.
Further information
Further guides for enrollment for all study courses in Federico II are available at some web resources: Study in Italy (by Ministry of the University), Admission Regulation, Guide Univ. of Naples.
Dedicated resources for India
The Uni-Italia network supplies smooth support for pre-admission and visa procedures for Indian Students. The Uni-Italia network helps Indian student applicants with the preenrolment and enrolment process. Different services are available at different prices, from free to cheap.
The Uni-Italia network is an organization that supports the internationalization of Italian universities. The network has strong connections with many Italian Universities and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It operates in India, with its main office in Mumbai and offices in New Delhi and Kolkata.
As a free service to candidate Indian students, Uni-Italia collects and shares with interested Italian universities and candidates the list of the documents requested by the Italian embassies and consulates in India for issuing the visa (after a successful pre-admission process). The links of the required document for the embassy/consulate of Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkota are:
- Delhi:
- Mumbai:
- Kolkata:
Note that in all cases, the pre-admission letter by the University of Naples is directly sent to the embassies/consulates via the UniversItaly platform; however, candidate students can ask for a copy of the letter to the director of the studies of the BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
The Uni-Italia network in Mumbai supplies stronger support to candidate students wishing to enroll in the BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering. The services are detailed in the brochure Services and Resources for Indian Students. The support includes a flexible mix of the following services:
- Guidance in Pre-enrolment Application
- Guidance in Declaration of Value (DoV) application
- Guidance in the legalization of documents for scholarship application
- Translation of study documents to Italian
- Guidance in Study Visa Application
- General rules for
- Admission
- Reading is recommended